On one of my hikes with my daughter through the mountains of my wife's village I ran across this
young group of boys. Beena's village isn't a tourist attraction so most of the people living there haven't seen a real live "white guy" before which gave me instant celebrity status there. Everywhere I went
people would point and yell out "Saipur! Saipur!" (which basically means "White guy! White guy!"). Children would often run ahead of me to their friends houses to alert them that a white guy was coming down the road. Adults and children alike would come hustling out of their homes to see the
white guy walking down their street. Sometimes they'd ask me if I'd like to come in for tea (which I'd politely decline much to their disappointment). The people in Kerala are very friendly and polite.
These young boys took great delight in meeting a honest to goodness white guy because it gave them an opportunity to dare each other to speak to me in english. So the boy in the blue shirt with the wrist watch took up the challenge and asked me "Hello, how are you?" to which I replied "G'day, I'm fine, how are you."
So he said "I am fine. Where are you from." to which I answered Canada.
Then the boy got nervous and smiled and said "I am out of english." to which all his friends laughed. I took their picture and then showed it to them on the digital camera and they all got a good kick out of it. We talked a bit more and more of the boys became confident enough to speak to me in english then I headed back for home.