MP3 of The Week
Fan Zone
Gift Art
Guest Comics
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I e-mail you. I don't think my e-mail I sent you got through.
A: If you want to e-mail me you MUST include the word TENTACLE in your e-mail SUBJECT header or it will be automatically sent to the delete bin by my spam filters, unread. To be honest the best way to contact me is through my forum but for those occaisions when e-mail is a must remember to include the word TENTACLE in your e-mail SUBJECT header or it won't get through to me

Q: Are you the same Ghastly of Ghastly's Ghastly Hentai and the #agnph chatroom?
A: Yes that's me.

Q: Arn't you also that goofy accordionist guy I saw on Much Music?
A: Shhhhh... that's my secret non-ecchi identity. For the purposes of this comic and my other ecchi activities let's just call me Ghastly okay?

Q: Are you named after the pokemon?
A: No, the pokemon is called Gastly, my name is Ghastly as in the adjective. Just remember, my name has an "H" for "Hentai" in it.

Q: How often will this comic be updated.
A: Hopefully weekly each Sunday.

Q: If I have an idea for a strip will you make it?
A: Probably not, make it yourself and send it to me as a guest strip. Don't worry if you can draw or not, stick figures are fine.

Q: How do I send you gift art or guest strips?
A: E-mail them to me at ghastly@tms2.net

Q: I want to do a parody of your comic or include one of your characters as a special guest character in my webcomic. Can I?
A: Yes, you may parody or use my characters as a special guest in your own webcomic. Let me know when you do, though, so I can include a link to it in my Guest Comic Gallery.

Q: What are those ascii animal things?
A: The ascii animals started as something I used to goof around with on the #agnph chatroom and later on various BBS forums. They were kinda like a comic strip that could interact with the readers. Now I'll likely employ them from time to time as a comic strip here when I've fallen behind schedule and feel the need to post something.

Q:Can I use those ascii animals in my usenet/forum/chatroom posts.
A:Go ahead, I can hardly claim copyright to them. I'm sure I'm not the first person to notice that a couple of well placed brackets and backslashes can make a kitty cat or a bunny rabbit.

Q: I heard there were these songs done by you, written and recorded off-the-cuff while chatting in the #agnph chatroom. Where can I get them?
A: Check each week in my MP3 Of The Week section. I'll be putting up a different MP3 of mine there each week. Some will be finished pieces, some will be silly nonsense like the "off-the-cuff" chatroom songs.

Q: Will these songs be archived permanently on your site?
A: No, in order to save both file space and bandwidth the songs will not be permanently archived on this side. They will appear for one week and then be deleted when the next week's MP3 is posted. MP3s will update every sunday

Q: I love the songs you post, can I put them on my website?
A: Yes you may, just do not alter the songs or the file names and include a link to my webcomic.

Q: I'm an animationist who makes FLASH animations. Can I use your songs in my animations?
A: Yes, so long as I am credited for the song in the animation's credits and the URL for my webcomic, http://ghastlycomic.com is also included in the animation's credits. I also get the rights to post a copy of the animation on my webpage.

Q: Are you going to be moving all your hentai from Ghastly's Ghastly Hentai to this webpage?
A: No. To be honest I think my older hentai works suck and would probably even take my old hentai webpage down if it wern't for the fact that its reffering hits to my webcomic. The H-Pic/Lemon chapter of my life is finished. From now on I will be concentrating my online activities towards this site.

Q: What is the Standard Hentai Helium Disclaimer and does it apply to your comic.
A: The standard Hentai Helium Disclaimer is as follows:

STANDARD HENTAI HELIUM DISCLAIMER: All characters on this site, original and/or parodied, depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older despite what their physical appearance and manner of dress suggests or what the applicable anime/manga series characters' age is or even what the real-life personas's age may be. This website may contain scenes of a sexual and even non-sexual nature that some people may find disturbing and even plenty that the author found to be so. View this website at your own risk. If anything on this site offends you you've been warned so before you complain to the creator suck a balloon and lighten up.

And yes, the SHHD applies to my site.

Q: Are you yet another Canadian with a webcomic?
A: Yes. Yes I am. I live in Hamilton, Ontario to be exact.

Q: Why is everything in your comic strip written/drawn so big.
A: Because I like to be able to read my own strip without my glasses on.

Q: Why doesn't your manga style of drawing look like typical manga style?
A: Why should it? To me it's no fun to copy someone else's art style. The key is to find your own.