This is my good friend and Big Fake Heart Attack guitarist Peter Lloyd. This was Pete's first convention (which is why he has that "dear sweet mother of god what have I gotten myself into" look on his face) and he was there sharing a table with me and selling his brand new novel. I got to read the rough drafts while he was working on it and I have to say the book absolutely kicks ass. I'll let you all know how you can buy a copy of it once he has his website all set up. Trust me, you're going to want it. It's that good.
He had a great schpeil going too and was definetly worthy of the title Schpeilburg Master. One of the hooks he used to sell his book (a modern age fantasy/horror novel) was "buy the book, sign your name, and I'll use you as a victim in the sequel". I was going to wait until after the convention to buy a copy of the book so as not to scoop one of his convention copies, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to be killed in the sequel so you can look forward to my ghastly demise in 2005.