MP3 of The Week
Fan Zone
Gift Art
Guest Comics

Well gang, this year's CN-Anime/Comics/SciFi/Horror Expo (which I am just going to refer to as CNX from now on) was my first time at a convention with a table. I was a little apprehensive about what I'd gotten myself into but I soon learned I had absolutely nothing to worry about. I had figured I might have one or two readers living in the Toronto area but as it turns out I have lots and lots. I know my comic is popular but for some reason I always tend to think of my readership as being evenly spread out all over the world so that no more than 1 or maybe 2 people could possibly be in the same geographic location. Of course that's not the way it works.

Lots of people came by to see my table. I passed out lots of cards to potential new readers, made some new fans (who came back on the second or third day of the con to tell me that they just read my comic and loved it), and sold a lot of prints.

The most common things I overheard while at the convention when people saw me were:
1) Oh my GOD! It's GHASTLY! If I had known you were going to be here I would have brought my boyfriend/girlfriend/priest/rabbi/father/mother/sister/brother, he/she is your biggest fan!

This struck me as odd because I've been whoring my upcoming convention appearance in the newsbox under my comic for months. I guess nobody reads my newsbox. ;_;

The second most common thing I overheard while at the convention was:
2) Oh my GOD! It's GHASTLY! You look just like your photograph!

Ummm... who else's photograph would I look like?

The third most common thing I heard was"
3) Wow! Ghastly! Ummm... I don't read your comic myself... you know... but.... ummm... my boyfriend does... and... um... he would like a picture of.... um... Freddy... It's not for me....

To which I would say "Would you like me to sign the print for you?" and they would say "yes" and I would say "Who do you want me to make it out to" and invariably the answer would be something along the lines of "ummmm.... well.... Linda would do fine...." with lots of very cute blushing ensueing.

Don't read my comic, eh? Naughty, naughty girl. It's okay Uncle Ghastly doesn't judge. Uncle Ghastly loves you all.

Anyways, here's a picture of the first thing I did at the convention. No... I didn't do Sirkowski (of "Miss Dynamite" fame). I just bought a copy of his comic off him and got him to sign it for me. Sheeeesh! You people.